Friday, January 20, 2012

Bitch, bitch, and bitch some more.

     I checked my status on my disability today and they said they needed a verification of a name change. So I load up my kids, mom, and my marriage license and off to Pampa we go. While im in there waiting this old lady comes in and asks me to help her with the computer to print her a wait number. I help her and she comes and sits beside me. She starts telling me about why shes up there and the trouble she keeps having. She worked for the air force base and she gets 200 every month from the government I guess in retirement? Every few months she has to go up there and argue why she needs that 200 dollars. They also had cut her ssi down to 500 which wasnt enough to pay her bills. Im looking at this lady who is probably in her early 80's having to defend her 700 a month to the government every few months that made an honest living while she could. How sad is that that our government has came to helping illegals and crack whores and taking money from the people that really need it.
      After they called my number I signed a release of medical records where they could get my records from my basketball team of doctors and he kind of explained what is probably going to happen. I have to wait 2 years either from the day that I become eligible or from when my disability was discovered and then I will be granted medicare IF im found disabled. In order to get help now I will have to qualify for SSI which is social secrurity income (I think) and the cut off is 2800 a month. Ok So. if they let me NOT count gross income and let me deduct my health insurance premuims then ive got that made. If they just let me use gross and let me use ALL of my medical cost not just my insurance premiums, ive got it made. If they dont let me do any of that, in short, im fucked.
     My night tonight was spent trying to get a prescription that if I dont have i will have withdrawals from. I need to get my abilify refilled and since I havent met my deductible the cost would be 560 something. They said I could pay half now and work something out for the rest, I cant even afford to do that. I still have to feed my family and pay my sky high insurance ya know people?  I know I bitch about this alot, but seriously. All these people that live with their boyfriends and wont get married becuase they will lose their food stamps and medicaid need to get a freaking clue about what NEEDING help really is and work their asses off like my husband to provide for their families. The taxes that my husband pays shouldnt have to go to everyone else when we honestly need the help. Our gross income a week is 1080 and we see under 800 of that. AND have yall been to UNITED lately? We cant afford the cost of food and gas right now, let alone the damn 500 dollar pills. Hopefully the discount card I have we can make work tomorrow and I can get them alot cheaper. I dont even want the money every month, I just need help with my medical cost. Not to mention Haileys glasses that we had to order and her reading glasses and contacts and her therapy that we cant afford. Money sure is a downer.
      And im not saying that everyone on medicaid and food stamps needs to get off of it. I know one person that does live with her boyfriend that works his ass off  and makes alright money. But I also know the child she has NEEDS the medicaid for his health care costs and she works her ass off in school trying to make something of herself. They are trying to make a life for theirselves, not just sitting around having kids on purpose and planning their lives off of medicaid and food stamps and pocketing the checks to live in a mansion.